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We Found Out How Much All Our Makeup Was Worth And It Was Surprising AF

"My life is a money garbage disposal!"

For some of us, makeup is like Pokémon: We gotta catch 'em all. But a mascara or two here and a lipstick or four there can add up. So the women of Ladylike wanted to know: Just how much money is all of our everyday makeup actually worth?

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Chantel guessed that her everyday makeup probably cost "around $100," total:

And this is how much Chantel's makeup bag was actually worth:

Safiya is a self-described makeup addict, and she estimated her bag to be worth around $500.

And this is how much the contents of Safiya's makeup bag were actually worth:

Freddie guessed that she would be neck and neck with Saifya (who guessed hers would be worth $500).

And here's how much Freddie's makeup was actually worth:

Jen figured her makeup cost around $120.

And this is how much Jen's makeup bag was worth:

Kristin's guess was around $145.

And here's how much Kristin's makeup bag actually cost:

Candace was worried, but didn't think her makeup bag was the most expensive.

This is how much Candace's makeup bag was worth:

UGHGUGHGUH makeup, why you gotta do us like this?