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    20 Reasons "Mars Attacks!" And "Independence Day" Are The Same Movie

    Their shared year of release is only the beginning.

    Allow me to number the ways in which two of the finest films of the '90s are, also, one in the same.

    1. For starters, like literally, they both open with disc-shaped spacecraft hovering ominously above Earth.

    2. When we learn what the aliens look like, the most prominent thing about them is their giant, disproportionate heads and fragile, grotesque* bodies.

    *But to the Martians' credit, they sure do know how to dress up for an alien invasion.

    3. Both have a rural...

    ...seemingly unexceptional family as main characters.

    4. Each with its own unlikely hero...

    5. ...who happens to know a thing or two...

    ...about killing aliens.

    6. There are also two families...

    ...just trying to protect their children...

    7. ...who just so happen to be great at shooting aliens themselves.

    8. Though their dads prefer a more, uh...

    ...personal approach.

    9. Both feature good supporting dogs.

    10. And they both survive!

    (Although one dog survives in a slightly more—interesting—way.)

    11. The humans' attempts at initial contact don't go so hot.

    Like, not hot at all.

    I might go as far as to say their advances were received coldly, even.

    12. Each has a crazy woman who thinks the aliens are super chill.

    But are they chill enough to hang?

    But it doesn't really work out for one of them as much.

    13. Speaking of crazy, there's an eccentric professor in both...

    ...who finally achieve their dreams of "meeting" an alien lifeform.

    14. Ultimately, the humans try to nuke 'em.


    But, like...

    ...that plan totally sucked.

    Like, really...

    ...really sucked, guys.

    15. Both have inspiring presidential speeches...

    ...delivered by seasoned, beloved actors.

    Although one of them doesn't exactly...

    ...have its intended effect.

    16. Meanwhile, the aliens destroy all the elements of our earthly civilizations...

    ...using *slightly* different technology.

    17. Oh yeah, and speaking of tech—we use our own, outdated technology to defeat those aliens.

    Like, embarrassingly outdated.

    18. Despite this, we defeat the aliens...


    19. And our heroes return home...


    20. But despite all these similarities, there is one MAJOR difference...

    ...only one of them ends with Tom Jones serenading a bunch of woodland creatures.

    And really, that makes ALL the difference.