

When you are book lover, all five senses are in full effect for more than normal everyday readers. We "feel" for the characters like we've known them all our lives, we can "see" in our mind the places they live like it's a real town/city/world, we can "sense" so much from that story as though we are living it ourselves, we almost feel as though we can "touch" this life with our bare hands, and sometimes we can "hear" in our hearts and our minds how they may sound by how these places and/or characters are described. This is why I named my blog "Fivezenses", because as a boo lover we use them all when falling in love with books. I do it all the time when an amazing novel captivates me to no end. So come, sit, relax, and read about the many things that I share about books, some music, and more. Oh and the music? It's good stuff too. May even make a reading experience more fun when it connects to a specific scene/part of the book!

Dec 2011
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