Scientists Found An Incredible Jellyfish And It's Trippy AF

    People still can't believe it's real.

    This incredible jellyfish was recently spotted around 2.3 miles (3,700 metres) under the Pacific Ocean, and people can't believe it's a real, living creature.

    View this video on YouTube

    It was discovered by a group of scientists on Sunday in a place informally known as the Enigma Seamount. The researchers are currently on an expedition exploring deepwater environments in the Marianas.

    The NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research shared the video of the jelly on YouTube and obviously it went insanely viral. Just look at it move – it's beautiful!

    Beautiful jelly, seen at Enigma Seamount at ~3700m in Mariana region: #Okeanos

    Scientists believe it belongs to the genus Crossota, a group of jellies that remain "ocean drifters" throughout all phases of their lives, according to Scientific American. They also believe that its behaviour suggests that it is in "ambush predation mode", in other words it sits and waits patiently for prey to approach.

    "Note the two sets of tentacles – short and long," an NOAA spokesperson said in a statement. "At the beginning of the video, you'll see that the long tentacles are even and extended outward and the bell is motionless. This suggests an ambush predation mode."

    The bright yellow parts of the creature are believed to be its gonads.

    What an amazing creature.

    You can watch a live feed of the rest of the expedition here.