17 Ways To Keep Your Lips Soft During The Winter

    Excellent tips for moisturised lips.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community for the best ways to keep lips moisturised and luscious during the winter. Here's what they recommended:

    1. "I have Burt's Bees lip balm on hand at all times. Every time my lips dry out I reapply, and I always use beeswax-based products for dry lips." –Suggested by lauram40cdea51f

    2. "One thing that has helped me keep my lips soft throughout the year is to incorporate exfoliating and moisturising my lips into my daily skincare routine. When I run out of lip scrub I tend to mix some olive oil, runny honey, and sugar together until I get a thick, gritty paste. (This is also a great DIY for people that don’t have the money for expensive products)." –Suggested by RabbitHugs

    3. "Rosebud salve by Rosebud Perfume Company (in tube format) is good for anything and everything – chapped lips, minor burns, dry skin, raw runny noses – all with a subtle rose scent. It lasts for hours, too, so there's no need to reapply every 10 minutes. It works especially well when applied at night before bed. You'll wake up with satin lips." –Suggested by Tina Ferraro, Facebook

    4. "Carmex is my whole world, I love it so much. It tingles at first but then after you keep applying it, holy shit! It's like the best thing ever and your lips feel so good." –Suggested by sumerks1

    5. "One tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of cinnamon, and one tablespoon of sugar. Rub on your lips, leave on for five minutes, then rinse off. Smooth lips every time, plus it tastes real good." –Suggested by dullmoments

    6. "Vaseline has been a game changer for me. I put a little chunk on my lips at night, smack 'em together a few times, and go to sleep. I wake up with baby-soft lips every morning." –Suggested by rachylizabeth

    7. "First, I rub pure jojoba oil onto my lips. Then, to help keep it sealed in, I coat my lips with some sort of salve. It really does work wonders. Bonus, the oil is really great for your cuticles, and all over your face as a substitute for moisturiser if you have mega-dry skin like I do." –Suggested by Cld93

    8. "EOS eggs are lifesavers. I swear by the coconut egg – it works miracles!" –Suggested by WinchesterCult

    9. Fresh Sugar Lip Polish followed by Agave Lip Mask by Bite Beauty in Champagne! The polish works wonders at removing dead, flaky skin, while the lip mask is super moisturizing. I use the lip mask nightly, and the lip polish when needed. My lips have seriously been transformed!" –meganfowler5

    10. "In the evening, before going to sleep, use a face cloth to exfoliate your lips. Then apply a generous layer of good ol' Vaseline afterwards. When you wake up, wash your face as normal, and you’ll have fresh, moisturised lips. Obviously use vaseline or a lip balm throughout your day." – lusanda

    11. "Just drink lots of water. Also, Rodan and Fields Redefine Lip-Renewing Serum. Exfoliate then put it on before bed, and it’s as if you’ve grown new lips overnight." –Suggested by julz98

    12. "Yu-Be Moisturizing Skin Cream. A tiny dab will fix up the worst lips. And drink plenty of water – hydration is the best for skin." Suggested by marye15

    13. "Maybelline Baby Lips range is pretty good. It keeps your lips soft, supple, moisturised, and nourished. The colours and scents are nice too." –Suggested by palaklovingu

    14. "For the best homemade lip scrub use Use: one part oil, two parts sugar, one part cocoa powder." –Suggested by sophiawillisr

    15. "Dr Pawpaw! Always." –Suggested by vickic48c231a58

    16. "Blistex Relief Cream – the stuff works wonders. My fiancé works outside and uses it all winter long." –Suggested by beckyc4ef1f02a1

    17. "Lush Lip Service lip balm. It’s so smooth and moisturising, and putting it on before bed to soak in overnight keeps my lips all soft and chap-free." –Suggested by notlizzi

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