11 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health At Uni

    We spoke to mental health professionals at Students Against Depression, Mind, and the Mental Health Foundation.

    1. Remember, we all have ups and downs in life.

    2. Seek help for your problems.

    3. Try to socialise.

    4. Fit in exercise if you can.

    5. Look after your friends and classmates.

    6. Be engaged in the present.

    7. Cut down on stimulants.

    8. Make sure you have some days without drinking.

    9. Recognise your mental health.

    10. Watch your sleep patterns.

    11. Get help early.

    As well as Mind, the Mental Health Foundation, and Students Against Depression, there are various places in the UK to reach out to if you need help with your mental health.

    The Samaritans have a support service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call them on 08457 90 90 90 (UK).