
Fil V.

i'm a weird guy, man. weird guy. i don't really think like other people think. a lot of that is being a lefty (southpaws unite!) part of that is the artist in me. i'm a huge geek. i got ordained just so i could become a jedi minister. ya, i can now legally perform a marriage in california. rock. i love video games. more the idea of them anyway. i like to have them around. i don't even need to play them most times. i just like that they're there. i don't watch much TV, but what i watch, i watch religiously. my tv nights consist of the simpsons, family guy, and heroes. i watch idol when it's on, but only when they get to like the top 20, the rest is just a circus. and i don't want to give attention to the people that are just there to waste everyones time. i'm a much bigger fan of so you think you can dance. i know, i know. i have a dog named louie, and he's to DIE for. the absolute cutest thing in the world. he's like a walking stuffed animal. i have another dog named albus, and while he's very adorable, he's CRAZY. i try to teach him stuff, but he's just too excited all the time. he knows one trick, and some other commands, but has some serious selective hearing.

Nov 2009
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