• Holidays Make Us Feel Good badge

Here's Some Really Wholesome Moments The Internet Has To Offer

You need this today.

1. This boy and his Chihuahua BFF who are so sweet together, you might shed a little tear:

2. These two unicorns who went above and beyond to mask up at Target:


Making the most of our first indoor Target trip......🤣🤪 #fyp #qurantinerun #unicorns #Target #wearestartingtoloseit 😂🦄

♬ Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows - Lesley Gore

3. This adorable dog playing in the rain:

I don't normally post political tweets but this is very important. 🔊 📹: Imgur user anlyin

4. This cat who ONLY wants to watch The Aristocats, thank you very much:


Please someone explain does he comprehend that he is watching cats? #catsoftiktok #vetstudent #vetsoftiktok #pet PremiosJuventudChallenge

♬ original sound - stressed.writer

5. These two tired cuties:

Wanted to bless your TL with some wholesome cuddly dogs 🥺

6. This boyfriend's sweet gesture that turned into an accidental error:


Check out the size of his coke!!! See if your bf remembers that you are thirsty and wants water!

♬ original sound - georgieandzac

7. This gentleman who had the urge to go over and give this boy some very good pets:

What a wholesome moment... This man gets out at a stop light for his puppy to meet the dog in the car next to him.

8. This wholesome engagement:


we told my mom it was a tiktok trend to get dressed up for dinner just for fun, but she had no idea she was getting engaged! 💍#engaged #wedding #fyp

♬ Married Life Harp Cover - hannah_harpist

9. This floof who got some new doggles:

I found a tiktok creator today who’s content entirely centers around him and his dog just doing wholesome things together and I’m obsessed https://t.co/pHugwc4C1j

10. This Starbucks employee who was having way too much fun:

11. This guy who was a very good sport:


#throwback to when I tried to continue my data collection after classes switched to online last semester #fyp

♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) - 山口夕依

12. These two talented friends:

13. This super-cute pandemic love story:

14. This friend who sank his kayak but remained in good spirits:


Kieran sank his kayak and we got attacked by swans. The straights came to the rescue. Rough day.

♬ original sound - stupididiotpeepeeface

15. And finally, everything about this dog:


This is what my dog does when she’s hungry 😂 #beautytip #hungry #dog #tiktokpets

♬ All For Us - Labrinth