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What Are Things Americans Do Or Say That Non-Americans Think Are Bizarre?

Why do Americans say math and not maths?

If you are American, this question is NOT FOR YOU.

Now that they've left, I have a question for all you non-Americans. What's something we do or say that you find totally bizarre and strange?

For instance, I've heard you think the gaps in our public restroom stalls are weird — and you're not wrong.

Or maybe something we eat really weirds you out, like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or mac 'n' cheese with ketchup on top?

Or maybe you think our name for something is funny, like when we call forks and knives "silverware" instead of "cutlery."

Whatever it is, we want to know! Non-Americans, what is something Americans do or say that's super weird? Tell us in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!