There Was One Important Thing Missing From "Game Of Thrones" Tonight That A Lot Of People Noticed

    It would have been SO EASY to write this in but OK!!!!

    Ahem, excuse me. But if you haven't seen Episode 5 of Game of Thrones, I urge you to turn back now. SPOILERS ARE FULL SPEED AHEAD.

    Hi everyone. My name is Farrah and, like you, I have been fully invested in this show for a while now. So much, in fact, that I spent a good portion of this evening screaming one thing in particular at my TV...


    Yeah, I understand that would take away from ~the actors ACTING~ but LISTEN, THIS IS WAR. SAFETY FIRST.

    Anyway, apparently I was not the only one who noticed this. The good people of the internet are also on my side:

    Jon Greyworm what is you doing. Wear a helmet you helmets

    Should Greyworm really be running around without his helmet? #GameofThrones

    Can someone get Davos a fucking helmet? #got #gamrofthrones

    Arya gets knocked on the head rendering her bewildered and scared every episode and her war gear still don’t include a helmet? I’m over it

    jon davos and grey worm right there uh put on helmets idiots

    Grey worm said fuck the helmet

    Why is Grey Worm not wearing a helmet. That make sense?

    Greyworm running up for the first kill like “I have plot armor, I don’t need a helmet”

    I would, really LOVE...if Arya invested in a decent helmet. Get this girl some head gear, for the love of gods (the old or new). #Arya #GoTSpoilers #GameofThrones

    But TBH, there was one character who definitely should have put their helmet back on:

    I rest my case.