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    Lush's Brand New Valentine's Day Products Are Here And I Need Them All

    Get ready to smell as sweet as a dozen roses.

    1. The Giant Rose bath bomb that's THREE times the size of a normal Lush bath bomb:

    2. The Love Boat bath bomb that'll take you on a sweet-smelling ride:

    3. The Kiss lip scrub gently exfoliates while providing a deliciously sweet aftertaste:

    4. The Tisty Tosty bath bomb that'll create romantic pink waters:

    5. The Heart of Enlightened Expectation bubble bar melt will create soft, cheery orange waters:

    6. The Unicorn Horn bubble bar will bring some enchantment to your tub:

    7. The Whole Lotta Love bubble bar will leave you shimmering and smiling:

    8. The Cherryish body scrub will leave you silky smooth and smelling sweet:

    9. The Melt My Heart massage bar will certainly take your stress away: