19 Restaurants Who Went Way, Way Too Far


    1. This restaurant who decided to be very, very fancy with how they presented their bacon.

    2. This restaurant who served up dessert on a tree.

    3. And this restaurant who decided to create this literal broccoli tree.

    4. This restaurant who made a whole freakin' presentation for onion rings.

    5. And this restaurant who made serving a burrito extra fancy by placing it in a magic lamp.

    6. This restaurant invested in mini shopping carts to present appetizers to people.

    7. And this restaurant who went through the effort of putting your sauce in a syringe so you can be the one to inject it.

    8. And this restaurant who also deconstructed this donut so you can fill it to your heart's desire with cream.

    9. This restaurant who placed this cocktail in a cage for some reason.

    10. And this restaurant who made damn sure everything would fit on top of this one tiny glass.

    11. This restaurant who presented a single strawberry in this ornate bird leg.

    12. And this restaurant who decided to channel some Lady Gaga vibes.

    13. This restaurant who thought this would be a unique way to serve a salad.

    14. And this restaurant who took charcuterie to the next level.

    15. This restaurant who found a cozy little seat to serve dessert on.

    16. And this restaurant who presented some appetizers on tree stumps for the ~aesthetic~.

    17. This restaurant who got woodsy with their dessert and served it on sticks.

    18. This restaurant who thought hanging chips like laundry would be a fine idea.

    19. And finally, this restaurant who believed the best way to enjoy spaghetti was to make it levitate on a stick.

    H/t r/WeWantPlates and r/StupidFood