Just Try Not To Grin Like A Fool At These Wholesome Things That Happened This Week

    Get ready to smile.

    1. This adorable bird who is just really, really excited about his banana:

    Colin couldn't hide his smugness at having the banana all to himself. 📹 Imgur user: CaptainCokecan

    2. This incredible hero:

    A French biker saving a kitten was the video I needed today.

    3. This pure neighbor who just really loves his friendly neighborhood raccoon:

    4. This wildly cute doggo dance:

    I’m totally against dog fighting but synchronized dog fighting is a whole new ballgame!!

    5. This hilariously wholesome Jonas Brothers fan who wanted the world to know he showed up but also had an 8 a.m. class the next morning:

    6. This very, very intoxicated boyfriend who kindly declined his girlfriend's invitation:

    So my BOYFRIEND comes home last night absolutely smashed, gets undressed and then just stands there in my room. So I'm like are you coming to bed? And he goes "no thank you, I'm sure you're lovely but I have a girlfriend" and goes to sleep on the floor 😭😭😭

    7. This teen who had a next-level good idea:

    8. This traffic director who safely led this cat across the street:

    9. This man named Bob who had THE BEST life advice:

    10. This extremely thoughtful husband who wanted to send a sweet sentiment to his wife after he passed:

    11. This gas station sign that'll change the way you think:

    12. This adorable big brother who wears different costumes as he waits for his younger brother to get off the bus every day:

    13. This dad who helped prove to his daughter that vaccinations aren't so scary:

    14. This grandma who is clearly enjoying herself at a Slipknot concert:

    15. This dog who just really, really, really loves this baby:

    16. And finally, this really nice guy who found this other nice guy's missing shade: