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15 Times Men Were Extremely Confused By Women

"Y'all don't shower with your pads on?"

1. The person who had an interesting outlook: 

2. The person who was confused by how pads work:

3. The person who was very sure of themself: 

4. The person who was a true nonbeliever:

5. The person — I'm sorry, "medical doctor" — who was very incorrect: 

6. The person who thought they needed to offer this explanation: 

7. The person who was anti–free the nipple:

8. The person who needs a lesson in periods: 

9. The person who had a lot of...thoughts:

10. The person who was extremely misguided: 

11. The person who had this very wrong opinion:

12. The person who thought they understood periods: 

13. The person who believed this nonsense: 

14. The person who didn't quite understand how DNA works: 

15. And finally, this person who just didn't get it: 

H/T r/badwomensanatomy