People Are Happy With Kim Kardashian For Tweeting Statistics Related To The Refugee Ban


    Everyone knows Kim Kardashian West is super active on social media.

    On Saturday, Kim tweeted in response to President Trump suspending the refugee program in the US by posting an image of these statistics.

    And people were very glad to have her support:

    Many truly appreciated seeing the political side of her:

    @KimKardashian @Hawillisdc I live for political Kim

    Others were living for these facts that showed we should perhaps be more fearful of beds and buses:

    And while some questioned her husband's open support of Trump, they realized she has the right to her own opinions.

    @KimKardashian let me add. I acknowledge that you have a separate opinion from your husband but you are a queen, get that man in line.

    The Cato Institute published a study of the chances of being killed by a foreign-born terrorist, and they are very, very slim.

    Kim also retweeted Kal Penn's Crowdrise fundraiser for the International Rescue Committee, proving that she will continue to truly do what she wants, when she wants.