Here's The Weirdest Food Every State Is Known For, According To People Who Live There

    Chocolate gravy?!

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the weirdest food their state is known for. Here are all the strange suggestions.

    1. Alabama: White BBQ sauce

    2. Alaska: Akutaq

    3. Arkansas: Chocolate gravy

    4. Arizona: Sonoran hot dogs

    5. California: Burritos with french fries

    6. Colorado: Rocky Mountain oysters

    7. Connecticut: Clam pizza

    8. Delaware: Scrapple

    9. Florida: Gator

    10. Georgia: Pear salad

    11. Hawaii: The Loco Moco

    12. Idaho: Ice cream potatoes

    13. Illinois: Horseshoe

    14. Indiana: Roast beef Manhattan

    15. Iowa: Loose meat sandwiches

    16. Kansas: Cinnamon rolls with chili

    17. Kentucky: Wilted lettuce

    18. Louisiana: Boudin

    19. Massachusetts: Fluffernutters

    20. Mississippi: Banana sandwiches

    21. Maryland: Muskrat

    22. Maine: Needhams

    23. Minnesota: Grape salad

    24. Missouri: Provel cheese

    25. Montana: Montana oysters

    26. Michigan: Faygo

    27. New Hampshire: Cider donuts

    28. New York: Garbage plates

    29. North Dakota: Lutefisk

    30. New Jersey: Taylor ham

    31. North Carolina: Liver mush

    32. Nebraska: Runza

    33. Nevada: Deep fried squid

    34. New Mexico: Green chile sundae

    35. Ohio: Skyline Chili

    36. Oklahoma: Lamb fries

    37. Oregon: Blue Star donuts

    38. Pennsylvania: Cream chipped beef

    39. Rhode Island: Stuffies

    40. South Carolina: Tomato and sweet Vidalia onion sandwiches

    41. South Dakota: Chislic

    42. Texas: Hot Dr Pepper with lemon

    43. Tennessee: Slug burgers

    44. Utah: Fry sauce

    45. Virginia: Ham biscuits

    46. Vermont: Sugar on snow

    47. Washington: Geoducks

    48. West Virginia

    49. Wisconsin: Venison hot sticks

    50. Wyoming: Elk

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