15 Funny Reviews Of Famous Books That People Never Want To Read Again

    "People are angry and then they die."

    Just because some books go on to become mega-famous doesn't mean they are for everyone. After all, reading is subjective. Here are some slightly hilarious examples of people who were just not impressed.

    1. Geist and Zeitgeist:

    2. Wuthering Heights:

    3. Of Mice and Men:

    4. Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality:

    5. All the Pretty Horses:

    6. The Tempest:

    7. The Island of Doctor Moreau:

    8. The Complete Short Novels:

    9. The Trial:

    10. Poetics:

    11. Adolphe:

    12. Ulysses:

    13. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea:

    14. The Catcher in the Rye:

    15. Absalom, Absalom!: