Conleth Hill Reacting To His "Game Of Thrones" Character's Fate Is A MOOD

    "LOL screw this." —Conleth Hill, probably.

    If you watched Game of Thrones, then you probably remember Varys aka the Spider aka the Master of Whisperers.

    Varys’s death was a result of treason, and in return, he was obliterated by the fire of Drogon. It was a surprising turn of events, although not too surprising considering that this show loves killing off our favorite characters.

    In the HBO Game of Thrones documentary, The Last Watch, it was easy to see EXACTLY how Conleth felt about the death of his character.

    First, he literally takes the script and MOVES IT AS FAR AWAY FROM HIM AS POSSIBLE.

    Next, he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, 1000% OVER IT. Gigantic Season 8 energy!!!

    Let's break it down again. This time, notice how he's careful to move it over the five thousand water bottles in front of him.



    NO, NOT YOU, David Benioff. YOU DID THIS.

    "Welp, we tried."

    And, of course, the internet was quick to pick up on it as well:

    Anyway, you can watch the whole thing here!!!!

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