I Tested Out This Mega-Viral TikTok Hack That Shows You How To Keep Your Guacamole Fresh For A Full Week

    All you need is a single container!

    In a perfect world, every avocado would be perfectly ripe, never beginning to rot after being left out too long. But since that isn't our current reality, I believe I might have stumbled upon the next best thing.

    Uncut avocados with googly eyes

    @oldmanssalsa on TikTok created a now–mega-viral video explaining how to keep your guacamole fresh and green for up to seven days. And we can trust him, because this is what he does for a living.

    In @oldmanssalsa's TikTok, which has been viewed almost 10 million times, he explains that you MUST overfill your container, making sure there is no air or air bubbles inside, then smear the lid so that the guac and plastic touch, pushing out all the trapped air at the top.

    Screenshot of TikTok with text "get all the air out and then smear it until all the airs out and then snap"

    Once there are no gaps in the container, snap it closed. It should appear to be almost vacuum sealed.

    Screenshot showing the sealed container

    Of course I had to try it for myself. The first step was getting the goods. Once my avocados were gorgeous and ready, I got to work slicin' them up.

    Halved, ripe avocados, some with the pits still inside them

    I use the "chipotle method" to make my guacamole: fresh avocados, lime juice, cilantro, diced red onion, a tiny bit of pico, garlic powder, and salt and pepper. Mash with a fork, and there you have it.

    Screenshot of mashed avocado with "simple and easy" text

    Now it was time to see if I could re-create what @oldmanssalsa did in his TikTok. First step: finding the proper container for this experiment.

    Arrow pointing to plastic container in someone's hand, with text "container acquired"

    I went to work filling my container, tapping it down on the counter to make sure all the air bubbles at the bottom were nonexistent.

    Once I was certain I had no air bubbles, I topped off the container with a little more guac, then put the lid on. This was hard to film with one hand, but you can tell I'm squeezing the rest of the air trapped at the top.

    Once the lid was snapped on and I was fairly certain I'd done it correctly, I checked the sides to see if there were any air bubbles. It looked pretty good to me, so I popped it in the fridge.

    I waited a full 24 hours before checking on it the next day. That was when I realized a sneaky air bubble had made its way to the top, only browning a very small portion. But! The rest of the guacamole was as fresh and green as it had been the night before.

    I then waited a week to see how it would hold up. Seven days later, the top was looking a little sad. I stirred it up and was surprised it came back to life!

    Final thoughts: I would use this hack if I needed to make a huge batch of guac for a party and didn't have time to do it the day of. But if you're making it for yourself and you DO have time, just make it fresh!

    Hand holding a chip with guac on it above a container of guac

    Think you have a better guacamole or avocado hack? Tell us in the comments! If it's good, we might have to put it to the test... 👀