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    These Incredible Women Who Made History Are Being Made Into Barbie Dolls

    I need them all.

    Get ready to clap your hands in glee, because Mattel is releasing a line of Barbie dolls called “Inspiring Women,” which features incredible women who made history across many fields of work.

    “As a brand that inspires the limitless potential in girls, Barbie will be honoring its largest lineup of role models timed to International Women’s Day, because we know that you can’t be what you can’t see,” stated the senior vice president and general manager of Barbie, Lisa McKnight.

    Each of these 14 historical Barbies will come with an informational packet containing a brief history about these influential women.

    Mattel also has plans to add to the "Inspiring Women" series, adding more role models in the future.

    But, for now, we can all wait in anticipation for these history-making dolls! There isn't a specific release day announced just yet, but they will be sold in stores across the nation.

    We need them all immediately!