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22 Jimmy Fallon GIFs That Are Pretty Much Your Life

What a GIFt. "Reply all" with these brand-new Tonight Show GIFs, and you'll never have to type out your feelings again.

1. When your boss asks you "what Saturday looks like."

2. When you awkwardly ask the waiter if "spicy" really means "spicy."

3. When your team wins, but your fantasy player is out for the season.

4. When "Timber" comes on, and you literally lose control over your body.

5. When soda refills aren't free.

6. When your friend suggests a terrible restaurant, and you're like, "Yeah, maybe."

7. When your mom forwards you a chain email that's just one big "Two Guys Walk into a Bar" joke.

8. When Juan Pablo says something in almost-there English.

9. When you receive the wrong size, but you have no right to complain.

10. When you're called on to give a speech at a wedding.

11. When you're desperately trying to hide your hiccups from your OkCupid date.

12. When it's three minutes until happy hour ends, and you don't know how to make Grandma move any faster.

13. When Netflix keeps buffering on your TV.

14. When you were fake sick yesterday, so you're acting "a little groggy" today.

15. When your dad says "jugs."

16. When Beyoncé releases a surprise album.

17. When you accidentally swipe left on Tinder.

18. When someone says the word "moist."

19. When a scientist talks about Uranus.

20. When you realize you're cheering for the wrong team.

21. When someone starts talking to you about their new idea for a startup.

22. And when you see your parents kiss.