
Fairley P.

I hail from a family of mountain bohemians; raised by New Yorkers in the California woods, not by wolves, but listening to coyotes. Sadly, I've never seen a mountain lion, but I love them. Feed me sushi and I might love you, but I am not into capitalistic friendships, or over-fishing the oceans. I am a ladyman that adores my family. I am a toddler-whisperer. I love children, and old people, and heaps in the middle too. But, wait! There is no middle. I'm fairly postmodern, but also consider myself a fairly hardcore feminist, (and why do I think these might be exclusive again? ..and what is "hardcore" anyway? Oh, ...me. ;) This is evidenced by the fact that I love cake, pie, cookies, whipped cream, mangos, and chocolate croisants. Please surprise me with dessert, and/or flowers. I also love social, political, gender, sexuality,-- theory, and praxis. I'm a nerd, but I look very cool. If I was a boy I'd be a lesbian fairy boy with red-tail hawk wings, and if I was a girl, I'd be butch, but more like an owl. I like to travel alone. I identify as an extroverted loner with big love for the people. Mostly, I admire lefty-legislators (Barney Frank xo), genderblenders, survivors, tree-huggers, and other feminist powerhouses. I pride myself on being adaptable, but I am not a karma chameleon. I am learning about "Radical Honesty" and it has changed my life for the better, honestly. I believe masturbation is not a crime. Don't hate; Congratulate! ********************************************************************************************************************************************** I am in my second year of my master's in Social Welfare, with a concentration in Gerontology, at UC Berkeley. I see ageism everywhere. I love older people. I think we lose out when we routinely show disdain for time, wisdom, and age... I have an amazing field placement in a LGBT mental health agency in SF. I enjoy my field work, iconoclasts, old hippies, libraries, sex, sun, super smart ladies, bois, drag kings, satire, and womyn...

Dec 2009
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