Even In This Economy, Here Are 16 Specific Things People Will Not Think Twice About Spending Money On

    "The peace of mind alone is well worth it."

    I always laugh at those TikTok videos that show someone simply stepping outside their home and immediately being charged money. That is truly how it feels nowadays with the cost of everything being so damn high. I could go to the store for one thing and come out shaking my head at the total cost on my receipt.

    However, when it comes to certain things in life, it is sometimes worth spending extra money if something is of good quality and will last you years to come. This specific Reddit thread is filled with some of those items. Here is what some people shared:

    Person shopping for vegetables in a grocery store, reaching for a product on a shelf

    1. "A good pair of shoes. Your whole body depends on your feet. Two places I never cut corners: shoes and glasses."


    2. "A good quality pillow for sleeping."

    Unmade bed with a wrinkled duvet and several pillows, suggesting the theme of work-life balance

    3. "Any once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you can afford. Anything from going on that vacation to taking that job that requires you to drop everything for a whole new experience you’ve always wanted. We all only live once. If you can afford it, please go and do it."


    4. "Viva paper towels. I’ll never use cheap paper towels again. The difference is unbelievable."


    5. "A great set of kitchen knives. Will last a lifetime with care."

    Person slicing an onion on a wooden board, demonstrating food prep skills essential in culinary jobs

    6. "A proper winter jacket and waterproof travel luggage."


    7. "Getting your house professionally cleaned. My wife and I started doing it twice yearly just to get all the places we missed and needed help. Then, it turned quarterly and, eventually, monthly. We justify it by saying we can either spend an entire day cleaning the place half-assed or pay someone to do it much better than we can in a fraction of the time. It helps when you have a newborn and a 120-pound Newfoundland. The peace of mind alone is well worth it."


    8. "Good cooking spices and seasonings. Sure, that epicure container may cost you $12, but it will make your food taste twice as good for a few months."


    "My guilty pleasure is buying expensive spices from Mountain Rose Herbs. Their garlic pepper is more addictive than doomscrolling Reddit."


    9. "Blue Diamond frying pan. I saw it in 'As Seen On TV!' ads, and something made me curious. I researched online, and it seemed to be legit. I bought it, and it's the best frying pan I've ever had. Ended up buying a new one last year to replace the old."


    10. "A direct flight."

    Passengers seated in an airplane aisle, focusing on the concept of business travel and work commute

    11. "Quality boots. I bought a pair of Red Wings over 10 years ago, and they are still going strong. I’ll never buy cheap boots again."


    12. "A tailor-made suit or dress."


    13. "A good computer. Those seconds that you don't have to wait, add up to minutes and hours."

    Person at a laptop with a coffee mug and papers, reviewing a financial spreadsheet

    14. "I never ever skimp on windshield wipers. Being able to see while driving in the rain can be life or death."


    15. "Quality washer and dryer. Do not be the person who buys the cheap set that breaks the day after the warranty expires. I have watched my parents make this mistake repeatedly my whole life."

    Person putting jeans into a washing machine, relating to laundry as a chore or business

    16. "Cariloha pajama pants. They are pretty expensive for pajama pants but they are the most comfortable things ever. I would wear them 24/7 if I could. Over time, I have bought a ton of people those for Christmas, and they are always a big hit."


    Is there anything you think is worth paying a little extra for? If so, share it with me in the comments below!