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There Are So Many Reasons (Other Than Cost) Someone Might Prefer To Rent Long-Term Versus Buy A Home; If That’s You, Tell Us Your Story

Cost reasons aside, home ownership isn't the end goal for everyone.

If you've been following the rollercoaster of the housing market in recent years, you know how wild it's been. I recently read that since interest rates are still high — a little over 7% — more people are putting their dreams of owning property on hold to rent while waiting for rates to eventually drop.

a woman saying, "put your hopes into a home, not a man."

It seems that renting versus buying a home is a heated debate as some people lean more towards one side versus the other.

"a sale pending" sign outside

On that note, I'm asking renters of the BuzzFeed Community: if you've decided to never buy a home and you plan on forever renting, what are your reasons why?

Of course, as mentioned: Cost may be the biggest reason why. There's no getting around the fact that home ownership is more expensive than ever — and millennials and Gen Z are dealing with a completely different housing backdrop than the ones Gen X and Boomers came into.

But maybe it's not ALL about cost to you. Maybe you don't like being in one place for long — and you crave the freedom renting gives you of being able to pick up and move whenever and wherever you want.

stacks of of cardboard boxes in a living room

Maybe it's a size and space thing. The idea of a huge house with constant upkeep has never appealed to you — and you prefer a much more manageable, smaller footprint. (Easier to clean and keep up with, after all.)

A cozy apartment

Maybe you prefer the flexibility of renting — whether that's access to amenities in your apartment or condo complex, a prime city-center location you wouldn't otherwise get, or just knowing that your landlord is the one typically responsible for repairs.

two people painting a room

Maybe you have a remote-friendly job or family spread out all over the country — and renting just better suits your lifestyle.

Or maybe you just don't want to tie up so much of your income in down payments, property taxes, or a decades-long mortgage. You'd rather use that money on experiences, travel, or other things that are important to you.

Group of young backpackers waiting at an airline checkin counter for their boarding passes

Whatever your resoning is, I want to hear it either in this anonymous form or in the comments below.

Some responses might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.