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    Only People With Dramatic Friends Will Understand

    Everyone knows a guy who knows a girl who is dating a dude that is toootally dramatic. Here are a few examples of how they act.

    When your friend asks you out for a girls night but you already have plans

    we can chill next week, it's not the end of the world...

    Or when they take HOURS getting ready for a party because their ex is going

    dude, he just left, you can stop posing now...

    How about when you ask them "hey, how was your day?"

    a simple "fine" would have been nice

    Or they don't act as cool and tell you their sob story

    there, there...

    When you imitate them being dramatic and they actually think you want to steal her thunder

    you always make a note to self to never do it, but you still do and regret being born

    So you casually tell them that other people think they're dramatic

    and you have to listen to them going on and on about them not being dramatic, EVEN THOUGH THEY CLEARLY ARE

    And how they LOOOVE making an entrance to every party they attend to

    just put your coat on the hanger...

    But in the end, they know how dramatic they're being

    and still you have you have to suffer through the whole scene, probably even clap afterwards