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    Only People With Bad People Skills Will Understand

    Do you try your best to be nice to others but end up wanting them to get lost? Here are some examples we have all been through.

    First off, they don't know you prefer staying at home watching Netflix than being around people.

    So they get mad at you for trying.... that's not fair

    Then you have to be friendly so you laugh at their jokes even though they are stupid and not funny at all

    You start to believe alcohol is your best and loyal friend to get through the day

    But there is a limit between being nice and being their real actual friend

    When people actually think you are friends with someone you had a 5 second conversation but just want everyone to leave you alone

    Then the glorious time of the day you are on your way home

    that's the best feeling ever, because at home you don't have to deal with other people!