The Amazon Reviews For This Mini-Plush Who Is Very Good And Doing His Best Are Truly Wonderful And Special

    He is only seven inches tall, but his heart is bigger than the sun itself.

    Look at this good small boy who is doing his best.

    His name is "Stuffed Proboscis Monkey Plush - Mini" and he is five stars out of five.

    And the reviews are very positive.

    People are very supportive of this round boy.

    Many are helping him to advance his modeling career.

    The consensus is that this rotund sweetheart is literally perfect in every way.

    He will be your friend in good times ...

    And in bad ...

    He has inspired poetry ...

    ... as well as the simplest, purest expressions of joy and love.

    He inspires everyone who meets him.

    Because he is so round and so good and so precious.

    In short, he is our son. And we must protect him.

    Especially from those who would seek to malign his beautiful soul.

    Know that you are appreciated and loved, stuffed proboscis monkey.