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    Call of Duty Ghosts Blitz With FAD Assault Rifle W/ TheEvilEmpireGaming!!

    Call of Duty Blitz is a slow game type within the new call of Duty Ghosts.Within the map there are two goals for both teams "North, South or East and West Depending on the MAPS.In order to win the game a team most score a total of 16 points "8 points around or more" if not the case until the time runs out.

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    Call of duty Blitz is a NEW GAME TYPE that involves two teams both pin at the end of the map.The two teams have to find a way into the each others area to score a point "Goal".Whichever team reaches 8 points first wins the first round, like black ops with domination that was split into two rounds Blitz is the same thing.After the first round if your down don't worry you have another round to win if not tie the game "16 points to win" in total.