The "In The Heights" Trailer Just Dropped And Ay Mi Madre It's Amazing


    This morning we were all blessed with an early Christmas present when the In The Heights trailer was released.

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    The film is based on the 2008 hit musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Alegría Hudes and follows the residents of Washington Heights — a predominantly Latinx community in Manhattan.

    We got our first look at the characters in action and they look (and sound) incredible.

    Here's Usnavi and Vanessa, played by Anthony Ramos and Melissa Barrera.

    And Nina and Benny, played by Leslie Grace and Corey Hawkins.

    We also saw some familiar faces, like Lin-Manuel Miranda as Piragüero, Stephanie Beatriz as Carla, and Dascha Polanco as Cuca.

    While we only hear them sing "In The Heights" in the trailer, we do get a glimpse of some scenes that we ~think~ are from other songs, like "Paciencia y Fe," "The Club," and "Alabanza."

    But there are a few scenes that left us scratching our heads, like this pool scene. IT LOOKS INCREDIBLE! BUT WHAT SONG IS IT? AND WHY WEREN'T WE INVITED?

    Overall it looks like a pretty faithful adaptation of the musical, with some updates to make the story a little more current — namely, a storyline about Dreamers.

    Safe to say, it looks like it's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster.

    Fans are already really excited about the movie and are looking forward to the impact it'll have on the Latinx community.

    There’s many Latinos in the world who only know the score from the recordings since they don’t live in the US and were not exposed to the beauty of @intheheights on stage. Gracias @Lin_Manuel for making this film that looks exciting and made with so much heart. #InTheHeightsMovie

    Let’s take a sec to acknowledge the gift @Lin_Manuel has given us. As a brown theater nerd, it fills me with pride to see my community getting repped in a space that for so long has overlooked people that look like me and love the stage. Now watch the #InTheHeightsMovie trailer.

    Now, if you'll excuse us, we're gonna go eat plátanos and piraguas and try to have some paciencia y fe until June 26, 2020.