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    12 Reasons Why We Like Bad Boys

    Why we like bad boys? Yes, this is the topic of my post today. Between supporting the efforts to limit world hunger and where to find the best Indian food, I chose to write tonight about… boys. The rougher guys seem to enjoy a few more seconds of our attention than the rest. They seem more intriguing, better material for coming up with stories and hypotheses (my favorite hobby). What do they do for living? Where are they going? Are they polite actually? Can they be sweet at a given time? Somehow the guys in well-tailored suits leave less to the imagination to question. From a bank or a corporate job, in his lunch break, back to his desk in a while, maybe hitting the gym on his way back home (if he hasn’t woken up at 6am to do it before the office) and then drinks with a beautiful girl or friends at one of the usual spots around here. But for the other guys their story is not that evident. So why are we attracted to bad boys? Or to men who look like bad boys? And I do not mean in movies, which is proven, admit it, but in real life. And these are the reasons I came up with, while drinking a freshly squeezed lemonade (no vodka or gin included).

    12 reasons why we love Bad Boys