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How Healthy Are You Actually?

Health goth or what?

We gathered a group of men to see if the average male is actually out of shape. Here's what we learned:

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The average American man is 5'9'', weighs 195 pounds, and is 30–39 years old. His average BMI is 29, which is overweight. In fact, by 2030 it is estimated that half of all American adults will be obese (according to BMI).

As it turns out, the average office worker sits for about 10 hours a day and can't find the time to work out.

And standing desks are annoying and expensive!


Aaron Hines, a personal trainer and cycling instructor, came in to help us understand what it takes to be healthy.

When was your last workout?

Hines suggests getting 30 minutes of exercise every day. This can be as simple as a few squats in the bathroom!

But diet and exercise work together. In fact, diet is even more important!

Hines advises cutting out processed food and trying to avoid soda and anything with a label.

You can still enjoy your life! But too much of anything isn't good.

Now the hard part: alcohol. Hines says, "Don't drink your calories."

Finally, sleep is so important! It helps to replenish your body. Hines suggests saving the bed for just sleeping*, and cutting out late-night TV and Netflix.