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    46 Things About Training For Your First Marathon

    Running a marathon is exhausting, but so is the training. Never underestimate the training...

    1. It's never too early for bedtime

    2. You keep hoping motivational alarms will make early wake ups easier

    3. But quickly realize they don't

    4. You become aware of muscles and bones you never knew existed.

    5. And worry about any little pain

    6. Going downstairs

    7. Going upstairs

    8. Black toenails… muscle cramps… sore muscles…

    9. But chaffing

    10. ... and the first few seconds in the shower

    11. You discover the miracle of foam rolling

    12. And you embark on an endless search for anything else to massage your muscles

    13. You learn that swinging your arms can make you faster

    14. But then you're told you have to relax your shoulders

    15. Some days you feel unstoppable

    16. Others not so much

    17. You spend a lot of time searching for the perfect running shoe

    18. And many pairs later...

    19. ... you finally find the one

    20. You practice ingesting liquids on the move

    21. But still can't do it right

    22. And no matter how much you drink all day, you'll still be thirsty

    23. You finally understand why they're called runner's runs

    24. And why dinner has to be closely monitored

    25. You own a collection of energy gels, powders and snacks

    26. And you learn the hard way that more isn't always better

    27. You want to brag about your longest run yet

    28. And secretly sneer at someone's 10k

    29. But are quickly humbled when you learn about ultras

    30. On strength day you drag yourself to the gym

    31. And struggle to complete even one set

    32. You begin to wonder what your life would be like without training

    33. But then you have nightmares about the marathon being cancelled

    34. You picture yourself crossing the finish line

    35. But force yourself to live one day at a time because this amount of running makes you want to cry

    36. You accumulate an enviable list of songs

    37. But sometimes even those can't take you to the finish

    38. After long runs you feel amazing

    39. Nothing or nobody stands a chance against you

    40. Until you remember about next weekend's distance

    41. So you try to explain why you're doing this

    42. But the truth is you don't even know

    43. Maybe it's the bling

    44. Or the runners' high

    45. Or being part of something bigger

    46. Or maybe you just want to feel alive