Here's How To Get Even Better Natural Hair In Five Days

    Dry hair? No problem.

    Perhaps the biggest struggle of being natural is keeping your kinks and curls moisturized.

    But there is hope, my coily-headed friends. The BuzzFeed 5-Day Natural Hair Challenge is here to get your curls POP. PIN!

    The BuzzFeed 5-Day Natural Hair Challenge is for everyone with natural curls and coils.

    Incorporating these simple practices into your natural hair-care routine will make for more moisturized and easier to manage curls and coils. Each step should only take you one to three minutes — with the exception of shampooing and protective styling, which could take one to two hours depending on the thickness of your hair. The best part of the BuzzFeed 5-Day Natural Hair Challenge is that it literally works for anyone with natural hair, no matter the texture!

    Here's everything you'll need for the challenge:

    And here's your schedule:

    Before you start:

    Take some time to carefully read the ingredients label on the back of all your hair-care and styling products. You'll find that many of them contain "bad" alcohols, which contribute to dry, brittle hair. Gwen Jimmere, CEO of Naturalicious, tells BuzzFeed that those alcohols are lab-made and designed to make products dry faster. Some popular ones to steer away from are alcohol SD, ethanol, denat, propanol, and propyl.

    There is such a thing as "good" alcohol, though, and Jimmere says cetyl alcohol, stearyl, and cetearyl are all examples of natural conditioning agents. Finding one or all three in a product is a win!

    Remember: The wrong products are often the culprits behind dry and brittle hair.

    Day 1: Shampoo your hair with a sulfate-free cleanser.

    Day 2: Oil your scalp, and apply the L.C.O. (Liquid, Cream, Oil) method.

    Day 3: Maintain the moisture with a product pull-through.

    Day 4: Refresh your curls.

    Day 5: Find a protective style.

    Obia Ewah, chemist and founder of Obia Natural Haircare, suggests that naturals find a protective style to achieve moisture and optimum growth. A protective style that doesn't require any or a lot of manipulation is best. Keeping your ends, the weakest part of your hair, tucked away in a braided or bun style will protect them from environmental elements and help hold in moisture.

    What to Do Today:

    * Do your hair in a protective style — like twists, a wig, or a bun — and keep it for at least three days.

    See how to get the protective style above here.

    What to Do From Now On: Try a protective style every other week to give your natural hair a break and to help hold in moisture. This will also give your ends some extra protection and prevent splitting.

    Congrats! You made it through the BuzzFeed 5-Day Natural Hair Challenge.