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    13 Ways Maps Make Your Life Infinitely Better

    Esri UC is the biggest mapping and geogeek event of the year. Check out these cool sessions and discover how maps can change your life!

    1. Helping Your Boss Understand (with Maps)

    2. Does Anybody Have a Rake?

    3. The 3D Forests of India

    4. Not Too Salty!

    5. Head for Higher Ground

    6. Fighting Elephant Poaching in Zambia

    7. Not Just for Ninja Turtles

    8. Where the Streets *Had No Names

    9. Share Up Man!

    10. Making Sure This Doesn't Happen

    11. The Thrilla in Manila

    12. The Blautopfhöhle--It's Not What You Think

    13. Why is My Internet Down?