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    Mastering The Perfect Crunch: 3 Ways to Effectively Tighten Abs

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    Mastering The Perfect Crunch: 3 Ways to Effectively Tighten Abs

    The "crunch" seemed to have come into vogue sometime in the late 1980s, during the twilight of the Jane Fonda home workout craze and the dawn of group fitness classes. Not to be confused with a sit-up, the crunch is a smaller movement that targets the abdominal muscles without straining the upper body or calling upon the arms for momentum. No swinging or hoisting your body to a seated position in a crunch; just your head and shoulders lift and lower in variations on a theme. With summer, the bare-all season, four months away, let's get to work.

    Basic Crunch or Crunch 101:

    Lie on the ground with your knees bent, hip width apart, feet flat on the ground. Raise your head and tilt your chin to protect it from neck strain. Place fingers behind your head with elbows out to the side; don't yank your head forward. Press your belly button towards your lower back, which will force you to contract your ab muscles. Slowly lift up from your abs, curling your head, neck and shoulders off the ground. Hold the contraction for a 3 second count, then lower half-way down. Keep your shoulder blades, head and neck off the ground. Do 3 sets of 15, resting on your back in between sets.

    Reverse Crunch – Transverse Abdominal Work

    Lie on the ground with your knees bent, hip width apart. Knees are up towards your chest. Knees bent in 90 degree angle or cross ankles; feet are off the ground. Raise your head and tilt your chin to protect it from neck strain. Place fingers behind your head with elbows out to the side; don't yank your head forward. Press your belly button towards your lower back, which will force you to contract your ab muscles. Slowly lift your knees towards your chest so that your tailbone leaves the ground and, at the same time, lift your head, shoulders and neck off the ground. There's a nose-to-knee sensation. Hold the contraction for a 6 second count, then return knees to the 90-degree position, tailbone on the ground. Do 3 sets of 15, resting on your back in between sets.

    Bicycle Crunch -- Rectus Abdominus or the 6 Pack Work

    Lie on the ground with your knees bent, hip width apart. Knees bent to 90-degree angle; feet are off the ground. Raise your head and tilt your chin to protect it from neck strain. Place fingers behind your head with elbows out to the side; don't yank your head forward. Press your belly button towards your lower back, which will force you to contract your ab muscles. Lift your head, shoulders and neck off the ground. Slowly alternate bringing your knee to your opposite elbow, switch sides, repeat and mimic a bicycle pedal motion. Adjust the speed so there is a flow, but don't go too fast that your abs lift from the ground and the contraction is lost. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions, both legs twisting consist of one repetition or rep. Rest on your back in between sets.

    We've got more ab work waiting for you at Fusion in Tribeca, NYC. Come visit us at 60 Reade Street or email us at