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    10 Gloriously Geeky Inventions That Never Saw The Light Of Day

    Think coffee-via-IV is a good enough idea to be patented? In honor of the company’s annual April Fools’ Patent Contest, Cisco engineers proposed precisely that, as well as a bunch of other wild ideas, as they took a fun spin on a formal task (submitting patents). For nine years now, Cisco employees have presented their goofy patent ideas to the company’s lawyers through the same portal by which more sober innovations are vetted. Sadly, none of these inspirations are ever going to make it to the US Patent Office! Have your own idea to share? Let us know in the comments section below!

    1. iHungry: Cloud Based Free Food Finder (FFF) Algorithm

    2. Intra-Office Coffee Drip

    3. SnaFi: Snacks over WiFi/Snack Dispensing Node

    4. CommodePresence

    5. “Weird Al” Yankovic Song Parody Recognition Engine

    6. The Pinky Promise Dongle

    7. Cisco Hairband

    8. Cisco Smell-O-Presence

    9. Internet Plunger / Roto-Router for Addressing Internet Performance Issues

    10. Cisco Cumulous Cloud Catcher (C4)