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    Cover Your Apartment With These Super Soft DIY T-Shirt Mats

    Yo, dude, your mat is, like, vintage soft.

    Getting out of bed is hard enough as it is. Stepping out of your warm bed right onto a cold floor doesn't make it any easier.

    You'll need to gather a few things...

    Old T-shirts




    1. Cut the shirt right beneath the armpits and fold the remaining piece up.

    2. Cut vertical strips through the folded side, stopping right after you cut through the top layer.

    3. Unfold the strips and pull each out into a loop.

    4. Make diagonal cuts through the opened loops.

    5. Roll the strips into three balls to make the process easier.

    6. Knot three strands of T-shirt yarn and cut off the ends. Work them into a long braid.

    7. Coil the braid, making stitches in between every layer to hold them in place.

    Keep your feet warm by doing this with several shirts.

    Or use it as a coaster for your work mug.

    Or as a trivet for your hot plates.

    Watch the full tutorial here.

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