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    Build A Savory Gingerbread House With A Cheese Hot Glue Gun

    because gingerbread is, like, so last year...

    You've definitely overdone it with the sweets this year...

    Don't worry, there's still hope for your Christmas.


    You'll need a few savory products....

    * Buzzfeed's Fondoodler $25 (it's 25% off for the holidays! At regular price, it's $35.)

    * Pretzel rods $11.46

    * Cheese

    * Assorted crackers

    * Fresh herbs

    * Cardboard

    1. Build your base by glueing four pretzel sticks to a square of cardboard using Buzzfeed's Fondoodler.

    Take a minute to relish that cheese flow.

    2. Continue stacking cheese and pretzel sticks to build your walls.

    3. On one side, leave space for a window by stacking broken pretzel sticks. Top with one full-size pretzel rod to finish the window.

    To get the right size, snap one pretzel stick into three.

    4. Stabilize your cheesy abode by cheese-glueing two sticks vertically to the center of the taller side walls to act as beams. Carefully cheese-glue a third stick to the peaks of your vertical beams.

    You're going to want to give this step extra time to dry. These three pretzel sticks are essential to the infrastructure of your cheese house.

    5. Carefully attach pretzel rods to the center beam and house sides to create a roof.

    6. And another squeeze of cheese for some extra support.

    7. For the moment you've all been waiting for... decorate your savory house with endless savory goodness....

    Use herbs for wintery shrubbery.

    Build a cracker door and cracker windows.

    Dress up a mozzarella snowman.


    Watch the full tutorial here (for more cheesy food porn).

    Facebook: video.php

    You can find more tutorials at Buzzfeed's Nifty!