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    9 Puppy GIFs That Are Easily The Cutest Thing You've Seen All Day

    So hip, so cool, so darn smushable.

    1. This easily distracted puppy in a pink sweater.

    2. Observe the perfection of her tail. Glorious.

    3. This soft puppy in her heather grey cotton tee.

    4. Who is a bit uncoordinated.


    6. This sweet sleepy puppy who still needs to grow into his paws.

    7. This puppy who could compete on America's Next Top Model and win.

    8. If puppies could smize, it would look like this.

    9. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    If you have a tiny puppy and want to make them trendy sweaters like these, watch the tutorial here.

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