18 Ways You're Secretly Roger Sterling

    Hint: You often wake up and realize you've just had an orgy.

    1. You know what other people's strengths are.

    2. And you're always there to answer people's pressing questions.

    3. When it comes to your friends, politeness is always encouraged.

    4. And you're tactful when considering other people's feelings.

    5. You keep your jokes tasteful and classy.

    6. You're never shy about your own personal goals.

    7. You keep your friends close, and your frenemies closer.

    8. Time management is definitely a strength of yours.

    9. And you know what men do.

    10. You have no problem finding ways to entertain yourself.

    11. You're usually the life of any party.

    12. You're nothing if not detail oriented.

    13. You're not afraid to admit when you've made a mistake.

    14. Or celebrate the moments when you went the extra mile for your job.

    15. You're not intimidated by bigger groups of people.

    16. Because you're usually great at blending in with new crowds.

    17. You take the time to get to know your coworkers.

    18. And above all, your words of wisdom are gold.