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21 Small Things Every Late Twentysomething Should Know

You don't have to attend all of the weddings you're invited to. You're free!

1. You do not have to attend every wedding you're invited to: You can say no!

2. You do need to go out sometimes, but you are not automatically old and boring if you need to take time to recharge.

3. Date whoever you want, just aim for quality.

4. If you aren't where you want to be in your career, there is still time. DO NOT PANIC!

5. But take steps to get to that dream career NOW. Don't wait.

6. When it comes to clothes: Splurge on classic pieces that will last forever instead of the trendy ones.

7. Take care of your damn fitness.

8. Start a savings account, if you haven't already.

9. Call your parents at least once a week.

10. Make one-on-one time for your close friends.

11. And let go of toxic friends, they are not worth it.

12. Ask for what you deserve in jobs, and be direct with your superiors.

13. Treat yourself every once in a while.

14. You will get hungover as fuck if you drink too much. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

15. Take care of your skin. Seriously.

16. You will probably have an identity crisis, and that is OK.

17. You will see people younger than you who are more successful than you and it will hurt like a fucking bitch.

18. Pick up a new hobby or try something you've never done before.

19. Your metabolism is going to change.

20. You don't have to settle just because all your friends are getting married.

21. Above all else: Always be true to yourself, and fuck anyone who can't handle it.