The 20 Most Truthful Pieces Of Bathroom Graffiti

    Get ready to have your mind blown by this honesty.

    1. "I just want to be a wizard"

    2. WWJD?

    3. "Haikus are easy"

    4. "You're drunk"

    5. "Toy Story 2..."

    6. "The only free lunch"

    7. "Points to ponder"

    8. "Lobstercock"

    9. "All you have is porn"

    10. "True story"

    11. "Ladies, quit complaining..."

    12. "Nobody"

    13. "Don't judge me!"

    14. "Life sucks, but..."

    15. "Everyone poops"

    16. "Thank you"

    17. Time for a kitty mint?

    18. "UFO is the word"

    19. Ghandi's truth

    20. And the truth that everyone should follow.