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Here's What It's Actually Like To Be A Girl Under 5'3"

Ah, my head is an armrest again. Brilliant.

1. Constantly being eye-level with everyone else's nips.

2. And getting a faceful of boob anytime you try to hug someone goodbye.

3. Having to crop your tall friends out so you can actually be in the photo.

4. Being in the "shallow end" and still not being able to actually stand.

5. And getting trapped in the pool if there isn't a stair or ladder situation.

6. Thinking you're a lot taller than you are, and then getting a very real reality check.

7. Having people casually lean on you because you happen to be the perfect height for their elbows.

8. Sitting in chairs and never really knowing what the ground feels like.

9. Walking into stores and realizing the pants are actually the size of your entire body.

10. And the only pants that never need hemming are cropped ones, which just look normal on you.

11. Walking with other people and having to briskly run so you can keep up with their longer legs.

12. Being the same size as your own pet.

13. Never really knowing what your tall friends are seeing, because you simply cannot.

14. Not being able to reach anything without a crane, ever.

15. And being forced to improvise in order to reach anything.

16. Never having arms that are long enough to get any job done properly.

17. And constantly feeling protected at all times, because being short means you're surrounded by an army of tall people.