12 Exclusive "Dexter" Secrets From The Show's Executive Producer

    Feeling bloodthirsty?! Sara Colleton sat down to talk about the show's final season as well as some of the behind-the-scenes drama.

    This is Sara Colleton, the woman who discovered Dexter.

    1. How the Ice Truck Killer made Dexter a likable character:

    2. Even cast members don't know if they'll be killed off until the very end:

    3. On why Rita had to die:

    4. Michael C. Hall was diagnosed with cancer while filming Season 4, but he didn't tell anyone on set.

    5. There's a reason the crew on Dexter is so loyal.

    6. Colleton worried that Michael and Jennifer Carpenter's real-life romance would affect their chemistry:

    7. Dexter's voice-over was based off of the tone in the books:

    8. The writers learned a valuable lesson after the Doomsday Killers.

    9. We're all connected to Dexter's Dark Passenger.

    10. The final season of Dexter won't leave any Saran-Wrapped loose ends.

    11. What will be most unnerving to Dexter this season:

    12. What Colleton hopes the fans will take away from the Dexter series:

    The final season of Dexter premieres this Sunday, June 30, on Showtime.

    Get your kill rooms ready, folks.