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    Proof That James Corden Should Be Zayn Malik's Replacement In One Direction

    *drops mic in British accent*

    Grace Helbig's new show on E! (aptly named "The Grace Helbig Show") recently featured late night television host James Corden and former N*SYNC member Lance Bass. They played a game called Boy Band-oke in which they were given the challenge to make up a boy band song based on a random title they were given.

    James starts us off with "Popcorn on Your Futon"

    Then a miscommunication led to the gem "Two Steps in My Heart"

    It got a million times better with "Strawberry Cream Cheese"

    Then Lance took it to a sexual place with "OMGGG"

    And finally, James Corden brought the house DOWN with "Retweet My Heart Bae"

    And to finish it off, we went back to a weird but wonderful place with Lance in "Why Didn't You Reply to My Texts 3 Years Ago"

    View this video on YouTube / Via

    As much as I love Lance, James KILLED IT. He's got the voice, the creativity, the moves, and even the accent to pull One Direction through this dark time. Please James, give the fans what they deserve.