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    "I thought, 'aw, I want a baby' but then I punched myself in the face."

    Samantha Jayne is the talented 25 year old behind Quarter Life Poetry.

    Samantha told BuzzFeed that she loved Dr. Suess as a kid and that's where the whole thing began.

    "I wanted to write something that my friends could actually relate to. It's more like Oh The Places You Didn't Go Because You're Up To Your Ears In Student Loans."

    "Most of the time, I feel like I’m doing the 'adult' thing all wrong and I’m kinda playing dress-up to see what works and doesn’t."

    "I draw from my own experiences– It’s total therapy for me. It usually starts with a thought like, 'I completely have no desire to go out tonight.' I’ll think about things I’d rather be doing."

    "Then I’ll write a little poem about it. I’ll use my digital pen on a tablet to draw everything. That way, it’s hand-drawn and I can still post it up quickly."

    "Being able to make art that elicits a knowing chuckle to people my age is good medicine. It’s important to find humor in these frustrating years and not take life so seriously."

    Follow along with Samantha on Instagram @quarterlifepoetry and be sure to check out her website.