24 Pics That Prove Ozzy Osbourne Is The Most Relatable Person To Ever Live

    "You fucking asshole ocean."

    1. When someone fucks with your personal brand.

    2. When people try to make you experience nature.

    3. When your mom wants you to go to church early on a Sunday.

    4. When you drank too much wine at dinner.

    5. When you have to walk your pet but you've got places to be.

    6. When someone tries to steal a bite of your food.

    7. When people ask if you think you'll ever have kids.

    8. When you talk for longer than three seconds.

    9. When your mom doesn't know how to send a text.

    10. When you try to study for a test.

    11. When someone rings your doorbell but you didn't order Seamless.

    12. When you go on vacation with your family.

    13. When your dog chews your favorite shoe.

    14. When you're at a boring party.

    15. When your significant other comes home in the middle of your favorite show.

    16. When you prefer big dogs.

    17. When your mom won't stop taking pictures of you.

    18. When you get to decorate your first apartment.

    19. When you get your food first at a restaurant.

    20. When your sister brings up that time you puked at Red Lobster in front of your new boyfriend.

    21. When you try to instill some life lessons on the intern at your job.

    22. When you go thrifting for the first time.

    23. When your friend asks which selfie they should post but you couldn't care less.

    24. And when it's your birthday with your family.