11 Wholesome Facts About Goats

    *Goat scream*

    1. Goats were the first animals to be domesticated.

    2. Goats can learn their names.

    3. Goats usually live 15-18 years. The oldest goat on record lived to 24.

    4. A goats' gestation period is five months, roughly half the time of humans'. It's not uncommon for them to be pregnant twice in one year.

    5. Most goats are twins! But single and triple births are fairly common.

    6. Goats recognize their kids by their smell and their bleats.

    7. Kids take their first steps just minutes after being born.

    8. Goats are excellent climbers.

    9. Goats have rectangular pupils, which allow them to see panoramically.

    10. Goats, like cows, have four stomachs.

    11. And finally, goats burp during digestion.

    Now you know more about goats than you did five minutes ago. Congrats!