

I admit that I am not a scene kid and I'm not emo. I'm not famous nor am I glamorous. I'm not “straight edge”, nor am I a BAMF. I am me. My name is Erika Vidmar and I am who I am. If you don't like me, then that's tough. I grew sick of changing myself to make others happy a long time ago. All it ever did was make me unhappy. While there may be some external parts to me that I'd like to change, I'm quite happy with whom I am on the inside. I refuse to change for anyone but myself. And if you ask me, that's very admirable and pretty bad-ass in itself. ^^" First of all, let me get one thing straight. If you’ve known me in the past to be “a very sweet girl,” I’d like you to take some time to get to know me for who I really am. Please don’t think that I am the same as I once was (young, naïve, sweet and innocent, gullible, obedient, easily persuaded, politically ignorant, etc.) I am 25 years old now, and things have really changed, whether some people choose to believe it or not. • I do not believe in the same exact theology/philosophy as my family does just because that’s what they tell me to believe in. • I do not do everything exactly as I’m told to do. I stopped obeying orders years ago, and I love to think of new ways of how to get things done. • When I was younger, I couldn’t give a damn about politics, but now I actually pay attention and even dig deeper sometimes, allowing me to discover things that others don’t even know about (and if I even do mention my discoveries, people are so stubborn that they refuse to believe it.) • I do not live in a dream world anymore. (Growing up, my mother had always told me that I lived in a dream world.) I know what the cold-hard reality of life is like. I know what’s out there waiting for everybody. I know of what’s yet to come. I know that things are going to get worse…far, far worse than things are now and even further worse than you could ever imagine. • I refuse to take any medical drug for fear of dangerous and adverse side-effects. Hell, I won’t even go near acetaminophen. I know that there is a natural way to treat everything. • I could really care less what society believes the social norm to be. I refuse to believe in “normal.” • I refuse to do anything just because everybody else is doing it. I will do it if I like it, but not because it’s the “cool” thing to do. So, yes, with all that being said, you may think you know me, but in reality, you don’t know me half as well as you think you do. Talk to me and get to know me all over again. For those of you who don’t know me at all, and are seriously interested in a friendship with me, please feel free to message me, and I promise to reply as soon as I can. ^^”

Sep 2010
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