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    "Shadow Of Mordor" Teaches Us How To Resolve Conflicts Peacefully

    In Middle Earth they don't call it "getting centered," they call it "getting middled."

    Warner Bros Shadow of Mordor is a game about peacefully resolving conflicts with folks from other cultures.

    1. Talk Through Your Issues Face To Face

    2. Stay Grounded

    3. Don't Fan The Flames Of Conflict

    4. Take A Step Back

    Try to get some perspective on the conflict by viewing it as if from a distance.

    5. Stay Off Your High Horse

    6. Confront One Issue At A Time

    Multiple issues = confusion. Confusion = frustration. Simplify.

    7. Resist The Temptation To Go For The Throat

    8. Don't hit below the belt.

    9. Never Lose Your Head

    And, finally, when the argument is settled, always make a peace offering